No. 33: Films by James Broughton, Gregory Markopoulos & Ken Jacobs 

2 Kerr St, Fitzroy

Thursday the 26th October, 7.30pm for an 8pm start

$20 membership for 3 consecutive months | $60 annual memberships (10x screenings)


Gregory Markopolous - Twice a Man

James Broughton
This is It (1971), USA, 10 mins
James Broughton’s creation myth, This Is It, places a 2-year-old Adam and a bright apple-red balloon in a backyard garden of Eden, and works a small miracle of the ordinary. 

Gregory Markopoulos
Twice a Man (1963), USA, 47 mins
A reworking of the myth of Hippolytus, in which a chaste youth rejects the incestuous advances of his mother – who has summoned him to request that he break off a homosexual relationship – and is saved from death by a caring physician. 

Ken Jacobs
Blonde Cobra (1963), USA, 33 mins
A man fondles objects, looks at himself in the mirror, poses in different clothes, smiles and makes faces at the camera while his voice on the soundtrack speaks of his despair, makes impressionistic statements and little songs. A reworking of a film and sound tape by Bobby Fleischner and Jack Smith. 

16mm prints courtesy of the NFSA